Exclusive Offer

A journey to India that relives its ancient tales, the saga of its glories and its human spirit in a specially designed package.

Yoga tour

A journey that will help you rejuvenate your body, cleanse your mind and soul with an ancient Indian lifestyle system “Yoga”.

Bagh-e- Bahar

To go back to the nature is one of our primeval desires. Embark on a beautiful garden journey with Secrets of India.

India in luxury

A journey of India that thrives on vitality, is spiritual and sensual at the same time.

Railway Journey

Get on board a journey with Secrets of India that has a royal lineage with bloodlines that go back to over 170 years.

The Geshyema Degree

Travel with Secrets of India to the lesser-known land and peal the layers of struggle with nuns.

Classic North

Each journey on the luxury trains of India is an exploration of its diversity, exotic locales and discovery of her timeless traditions.

The spicy trail of India

Fragrance, taste and some breathtaking views blended just right, makes this journey a feast for the senses.